Centering machine

Centering machine THZ 50

  • bell-clamping
  • changeable spindle

A consistently optimized cost-optimized centering machine for precision optics
Because of our developed modular system we are able to create the machine to your individual requirements.

So, the variants are controlled by a controlled axis X and hand wheel in Z, alternatively both axes controlled. A workpiece spindle or two (bell-clamping) up to the changeable spindle are possible.

The menu-guided software ensures a very simple usability.

Technical Data:
1000 x 1100 x 1350-1700 mm (höheneinstellbar)
450 kg
Ø 50 x 300 mit Flansch und Lochkreis
Drehzahl WS:
5-160 Regelbar
Drehzahl WZ:
3000 1/min (Optional regelbar)
0-50 mm
B&R SPS-Steuerung mit Digital-AC-Servo-Antrieb